With the first snowfalls of the season beginning to occur, snow blowers have taken over where lawn mowers left off. But while snow blowers are now hitting store shelves and coming out of the garage, their manufacturers have turned their focus back to lawn mowers.
During the fall and winter, when consumers are focused on snow, manufacturers are focused on lawn care equipment. It may seem counter intuitive, however the best way to keep up with seasonal demand is by getting ahead of it, which is exactly what’s going on here. Next season’s lawn mowers are now being built so that there’s time to get everything produced, marketed, and sold in time for the busy spring and summer months.
Likewise, the snow blowers and snow throwers you may already be seeing on sidewalks and roadways were probably built during those warmer months in anticipation for the coming winter. Many manufacturers produce both types of equipment since they’re made using similar parts and processes. Coming up with a seasonal production schedule ensures that each product has enough lead time to prepare for the coming season, while also making sure there’s no gap in workload during the year.
As a heavy gauge stamping provider, Ohio Valley Manufacturing serves customers in the lawn care and snow management sectors, among numerous others. We work with carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless steel to produce end products such as wheels, frame components, electronic connectors, etc. We also provide assembly services, design consultation, powder coating and more to make things easier for the manufacturers we work with. To learn more about the services we offer and our capabilities, feel free to call 419-522-5818 or email info@ohiovalleymfg.com. We look forward to discussing your project!